全球门徒 2025年8月28日至12月5日


威斯蒙特全球学期的主题是“全球门徒”.” 西蒙特国际学期 challenges 学生 to think and serve globally as they travel, 学习, 并参与到世界各国. 在学期中, 学生将去中国旅游, 德国, 沙特阿拉伯, 印度, 越南, 和希腊. WGS计划旨在帮助学生在基督教ag娱乐官网中成长, 他们的智力能力, and in their practice of serving through Christ in a variety of cultural contexts.

西蒙特国际学期 (WGS) aims to provide 学生 with experiences to explore, 学习, 并为塑造和创造全球公民而服务, 希望学生成为全球的基督徒, 能够以基督的思想和行动参与全球和地方的力量. WGS provides a study abroad experience in countries with a range of population densities, 经济实力, 还有宗教ag娱乐官网. A key feature of WGS is the opportunity to connect on meaningful levels with local community leaders, 学生, 和其他人在这个项目的实践部分. 

  • 类站
  • GPA(最低2分).3 GPA),而且没有学生生活处罚
  • 申请论文
  • 团队和个人面试
  • 教员和个人推荐
  • 一定对基督教的培育感兴趣


  • Ability to balance global discipleship goals, 学者, travel, and service as a community.
  • 愿意在具有挑战性的环境中表现出灵活性.g.(温度、文化、食物、日程安排).
  • Tolerate local diet with limited control over food choices in most locations; take initiative to choose local eating establishments.
  • Navigate multiple irregular surfaces and walk on average of 5 miles a day and up to 10 miles on field trips.
  • 优秀的时间管理能力, 包括必要的活动, 学者, 营养, 和休息.
  • 参加PEA课程严格的体育活动, 包括但不限于以下内容:足球, 骑自行车, 徒步旅行, 团队运动.
  • 能够独立乘坐各种公共交通工具, 包括国际航空旅行, 公共汽车, 在没有帮助的情况下携带所有个人物品.
  • Anticipate modest accommodations with shared rooms (1 or more classmates).

全球宗教背景:4个单元. 通用电气:放眼全球 支持全球宗教背景课程, 的讲座, 讨论, and assignments are designed so that 学生 gain understanding of the global trajectories of religions and their competing and complementary worldviews. The course underscores the similarities and differences between Christianity and the other major world traditions. It traces the trajectory of the major world religions throughout the semester (e.g.,起源和扩展). Taught to develop skills of empathy for other religions as well as to highlight Christian uniqueness, 本课程力求在我们的多民族中建立联系的途径, 多宗教世界和, 也许对某些人来说, to encourage a Christian call into cross-cultural settings for their careers, 一个鼓舞人心的长期合作的开始.      

全球背景下的决策:4个单元. 通用电气:定量 & 分析推理*服务社会 支持全球背景下的决策课程, 的讲座, 写作作业, and team projects expose 学生 to a variety of decision-making contexts, primarily at the lower socio-economic levels of societies that have a wide diversity of worldviews compared to western democratic ideals. The course helps 学生 compare decision-making in various diverse locations in order to tease out local and more universal strategies and processes. We rely on our excellent network of American field workers who provide access to local business and community leaders for 学生 to 学习 from and practice the decision skills they acquired from the course. Countries and regions were chosen to reflect a variety of political systems, 人口及人口密度, 农村和城市环境的混合.

旅游写作:4个单元. GE:文科写作GE:专业以外的写作强化 支持旅游写作课程, 写作作业与其他主题相关, 的地方, 人, 以及学生们的经历. Combines creative nonfiction writing with ethnographic reSearch, blogging and on-site journalism. 学生阅读和撰写旅行文章、简介和评论. Writing may be published weekly on social media, together with photos and video content. Assignments require 学生 to observe and engage 人 and the environment in various countries where they are studying and serving. The following chart includes a brief working outline of the projects and focus.

健康探索(体育):1单元. GE:体育 以配合一单元的体育课程, 学生们参加各种各样的当地体育活动, 经常与当地ag娱乐官网合作.

旅行前课程:1个单元. 通用电气:没有 This 1-unit course occurs the semester prior to the 西蒙特国际学期. Some of the topics include the following: a) Introduction to the broad themes of the courses (e.g., global connections); b) Introduction to culture shock and the act of moving in and out of cultures; c) Learn to be empathetic toward difference through Christian affirmations of hospitality; d) Safety, 风险, 健康, and exploration; e) Begin course readings.

Westmont semester tuition, room, board, a program fee of $5000 plus airfare to our first country. Students are allowed to apply their financial aid awards from the college - both need-based and merit-based awards - toward the program's cost.